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Become a part of the action... has been going through major growth recently, going from under 500 members to over 17,000 in the past year. When we started doing raid trains we were doing 1 per month and now we have expanded to more than 3 per week. 

So, now we need your help. Before you get too excited, these are unpaid positions. But they come with perks. These perks include:

  • A position/vote on our Brainstorm Board

  • Use this role on a resume and get stellar recommendations

  • Completely FREE Premium Membership for LIFE

  • FREE Certificate Courses

  • Random Giveaways for your personal shows

  • FREE advertising for your personal shows

  • Previews to all Raid Trains and Themed Shows

  • Access to exclusive wholesale sources

  • Much More

Right now, we need people for the following positions:

  • Special Projects Manager (5): In charge of special projects as they come up. These projects can include hosting raid trains, and themed shows, management of influencer recruitment, creating website tutorials, creating website courses, managing wholesale sourcing accounts, and more. There would be no fixed schedule with the exception of hosting duties. You will be put into projects that you feel most comfortable with or have the most experience in.

  • Canva Graphics Artist (2): You will receive access to the company Canva account and you will be given permission to use it for your own personal and business use. This person will create graphics for raid trains and (once we get it going) the graphics store. If you decide to sell your creations in the graphics store you will keep 70% profit. If you decide to use a different tool to create graphics it will be permitted. You will be asked for a sample graphic in the application.

  • Sourcing Manager (2): gives away a lot of items each month and to keep that going we need to look for new ways to source these giveaways. We need people to find new sources, recruit paid or gifted sponsorships/giveaways, and discover alternate sourcing options. This is a great opportunity to generate sourcing options for yourself and your business.

  • Apps Recruiting Specialist (2): This person will be in charge of contacting app developers on behalf of and looking for special discounts, usage perks, free test copies, and beta testing for website members.

  • Online Discount Sourcing Specialist (2): This role will shadow the Apps Recruiting Specialist but instead focus on reseller tools and supplies. 

  • Poshmark Partners! (3): Host (without guidance) Raid Trains on Poshmark in a "Co-Host" position, following the same rules as our WhatNot Raid Trains. Opportunity to Co-Host Themed Shows as well. 

  • Raid Train Hosts (U): NOTE: This position will not give all of the perks listed above. Free advertising of raid trains, free show advertising, graphics, training, raid train host checklist, and potential giveaways will be perks as well as new perks as they are created. 

Use the form to the right to apply to all positions

Vizzuals Application

I am interested in...
How long have you been selling online?
Over 10 years
5-9 years
1-4 years
6-11 months
Under 6 months
I am not a seller yet
Which platforms do you CURRENTLY sell on?
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