Are you a Whatnot Seller?*
Do you sell on other platforms?
What is your BEST online selling platform?
How long have you been selling online?
Do you consider yourself "Tech-Savvy"?
Approximately when did you start selling on Whatnot?
How many Followers do you have?
How many sales do you have?
How many people do you normally have in each show?
Are you happy with the amount of sales you currently get?
What are some areas you would like help with?
Lets' Talk... If you are still on Whatnot 3 years from now, where do you want to be? (dream your biggest dream) AND... Where do you think you will ACTUALLY be? (where do you think you will actually be in reality?
What are your biggest Whatnot stumbling blocks?
Is there anyone in particular that has been holding you back on Whatnot?
What achievements have you made on Whatnot?
What are some of your favorite Whatnot sellers? Have any of them helped you achieve goals?
Have you ever joined a Raid Train, Seller Showcase, Battle or other Whatnot Event?
Have you ever HOSTED a Whatnot event?
Would you ever want to host an event?
When it comes to sourcing, which statements are TRUE?
Do you create your own Whatnot Graphics?
What programs, apps, software do you use to create your graphics?*
On your account what do you have for a logo?
What type of show thumbnails do you use?
Do you use Video Thumbnails?
When it comes to shipping... do you feel that you have everything perfect? Are you confused about shipping? Please explain.
Categories... Are there some categories that you feel are missing from Whatnot? If so, explain...
As a SELLER... if you could add a "Dream Feature" to Whatnot, what would it be?
As a BUYER... if you could add a "Dream Feature" to Whatnot, what would it be?
How often do you have your SOUND ON while watching shows?
Lets' Talk about BUYING on Whatnot... What are some things you HATE to see when you are in a show?
What are some things you LOVE to see when you are in a show?
Do you only purchase from specific Whatnot Sellers?
What makes you take the plunge and actually purchase from someone?
What are some things that make you want to purchase from a seller?
What are some things that will STOP you from making a purchase from a seller? Only check the boxes if they matter to you and you would not purchase based on this single item.
What else would you like to say? What needs do you have?
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